Many of you will be aware that our new net cage is now in use.  Thank you to all of those who donated or who helped in other ways to bring the new nets to fruition.  They will be officially opened by Sir Alan Haselhurst at 11am on Open Day – Saturday 23 April.

They are deliberately hard, fast and bouncy to reflect the nature of the wickets at the AAPF.  They are therefore more dangerous.  Please note that they are only available to those 14 years upwards who play senior cricket or under the guidance of a qualified coach. They will be referred to as Nets 1 and 2. 

In both net cages spiked boots should not be worn, full safety equipment must be worn (e.g. helmets, pads) and care should be taken not to tread mud into the net cage. Nets MUST be left locked at all times.  Nets 3 & 4 are open to all members.  We intend to upgrade them when resources allow.  Bowling machines must be used responsibly and only with a qualified coach or other recognised adult.


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