The Club follows a series of policies to ensure it provides opportunities for all to play cricket in a safe environment, fairly and transparently managed and in keeping with the spirit of cricket.
You can download documents via the links below to learn more about our policies and to find information and advice.
The Club is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (Registration Certificate) and it has a standard CIO constitution. A new rule was adopted by the Trustees in 2018 to include references to the Club’s Safe Hands, Inclusion and Diversity, and Complaints and Disciplinary Procedures. A further amendment was made to the constitution in 2023 to include the ECB Anti Discrimination Code:
Our Mission Statement sets out our overall aims.
Our Child Welfare Policy is based on good practice guidance and contains information on how we protect younger members of the club.
Our Selection Policy tells you how decisions are made at adult and Academy level about who should play in matches.
Everyone should be able to enjoy cricket! Our Inclusion and Diversity Policy supports that aim.
We expect all members of the Club to abide by the Code of Conduct, including the Spirit of Cricket.
Volunteering in the Club is vital and we value all our volunteers.
Complaints and Disciplinary Procedures are here in case they are needed
Guidance on use of the nets is to protect players and ensure fair use of the facilities
We have published a Data Protection Statement about how we look after your information.
We follow the ECB Safety Helmet Guidance
Remember that Fitness is vital. You can’t play if you’ve hurt yourself! Follow the links for advice on Fitness and Injury Prevention and on Diet and Fitness
And some suggestions for those who might be interested in a Career in Cricket
We would appreciate feedback on the website or ideas for what you’d like to see here. Please email us on [email protected]