As we draw to the end of the 2017 season we have to look ahead to next season. Could you support the club and get real satisfaction from helping others to learn to play. There is a list of courses currently available here:
The club can meet 50% of the cost of such courses for active coaches and the full cost in some circumstances. We can recommend the Ingatestone venue as it is the school where our Chairman is Headteacher! Further details for Coaching Co-ordinator, Alec Turner. These courses do fill up, so book early!
Please note: all Certificate Course attendees must be 18 and are for those who would like to lead sessions equivalent to the old Level 2.
The Certificate Courses are split in to 2 courses;
1. Coaching Children ( 5 – 12 year olds) and
2. Coaching Young People and Adults (13 to as old as they get).
The candidate chooses which coaching path they wish to take depending on the age groups they work with.
For Coach Support Worker courses, the candidate must be 16 + at course commencement. The course is designed for those wishing to support coaches in the delivery of coaching sessions.