We know only too well that if we were playing cricket now it would be raining, so we should be grateful for small mercies as we enjoy the sunshine while we have it.  We are slowly bringing our net facilities back in to use according to some very strict guidelines laid down by the ECB.  If you would like to access the nets do let us know – to book your net sessions you will need to arrange a time with the following people:

1st Team- Ben Harris ([email protected]

2nd Team- Luke Ormsby ([email protected])

3rd/4th Team- Tom Rodda ([email protected])

Under 19s – Jon Buck ([email protected]),  Darren Leech ([email protected])

One2ones- Jack Ormsby ([email protected])

Academy – Ray Mordini ([email protected])

At the moment the guidelines allow people from the same family or two people from different households to practise together but we must have a club representative present.  We are limited, therefore, by the availability of volunteers to supervise the nets. When you book, you will be sent the guidance you MUST follow.


The latest advice from the ECB suggests that they are looking at ways of launching junior cricket, so watch this space. Realistically this means late July or August at the earliest. When things become clearer we will be emailing you to assess what the demand might be like for a shortened Academy training programme .  Recreational cricket is suspended until 1 August.


Whenever we are able to enjoy the Anglo American Playing Fields again, it will be not be business as usual. Maintaining social distancing in the clubhouse and changing rooms in particular will be a challenge. With this in mind we have a challenge for you, especially our younger members.  If we can’t shake hands, hug , kiss or high five, how will we greet each other? You can send photos, emails  or video clips to demonstrate the new greeting but they must come from a parent (unless you are a parent!).  We need permission from both the young member and the parent if we are to share the ideas but we will not share names of children if they appear in photographs or videos.  Ideas are also welcome from senior players, vice-presidents, supporters, former players or anyone in receipt of Extra Cover! All contributions to [email protected]


When we do get down to the AAPF again you will see a newly refurbished car park and trimmed back undergrowth (thank you to the Town Council!), a new bench to mark the contribution that Jeff Goodwin made to the club both on the Common and at the AAPF  (Thank you, Jeff!) and, when a match is in progress , new scoreboard lights.  Of course, you will also see the glorious square and outfield lovingly cared for by our groundsman and hardly a bowler’s or batter’s mark in sight! 

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