Coming to the Anglo-American Playing Fields? Please read!

If you or your children are coming to play, train, watch a match, or coach, please read and follow these important guidelines:

(New instructions and changes highlighted in purple)

For everyone

  • Please do not attend the ground in any capacity or for any activity if you have COVID19 symptoms or are living with someone who does.  Follow Government guidance on self-isolation.
  • The bar will be open as usual but the clubhouse is only available to players and other authorised people.
  • No-one is to sit within 3m of boundary, to allow players and spectators to circulate.
  • 2m social distancing to be respected at all times or 1m+ with precautions such as masks.
  • Remember “your mask protects others, their mask protects you” and follow all guidance about safe use of masks. 
  • No physical greetings. Make a ‘C’ with thumb and forefinger of right hand by way of greeting and then point those fingers to the person being greeted! ‘C’ = Cricket and Crocus.
  • Use cubicles in toilets where possible (only one urinal will be available in the men’s toilets – men may have to queue!).
  • Do not turn up more than 30 minutes before or stay around for more than 30 minutes after an event such as training session or match.



The cricket captain has always been a vital figure in the team, perhaps more so than in other sports.

Captains now have important additional responsibilities, supported by club officials and parents where appropriate:

  • Ensure all players, including opposition players, follow these guidelines.
  • Check that all players have their own food and sanitiser.
  • Ensure stumps and ball are sanitised.
  • Ensure players arrive changed
  • Ensure no player arrives with symptoms.

Players (senior and junior)

  • Notify your captain or the chairman if you have any symptoms of Covid-19, or are living with someone who has tested positive, and do not turn up for training or matches. You must self-isolate and let your captain or the chairman know the result of any test.
  • Bring own food and sanitiser.
  • Changing rooms closed. Changing rooms can be used to store kit bags but only ONE player at a time in each changing room.
  • Do not touch or carry other people’s bags.
  • You may use changing rooms prior to batting but only one player at a time in changing room.
  • Toilets to be accessed via the clubhouse only. 
  • Only one scorer in the score box – the away scorer, if any, should remain with his team or sit adjacent to the scorebox.
  • Home players located in front of the Pavilion. 
  • Away players located in front of the kitchen and allocated the Club’s moveable bench.
  • Regular hygiene breaks every 6 overs to clean ball and fielders sanitise hands.
  • Hands must be sanitised after moving sight screens or rain covers. 
  • No sweat or saliva to be applied to ball. 
  • Travelling in a car is possible with appropriate precautions taken (ventilation, masks, use of rear seats if possible), but avoid car travel if you can.
  • If it rains, players must shelter in cars, or in clubhouse if this is not possible with permission.
  • Keeper and slip cordon are exceptions in terms of social distancing but should always stay alert to virus transmission (as well as watching the ball!) and should always try to adhere to 1m+ distancing.
  • Do not share equipment.
  • Minimise passing of the ball around the field.
  • Ball to be placed at base of stumps when wicket falls.
  • Players to leave surplus equipment such as jumpers, glasses, etc., on the boundary.  Do not give them to the umpire.
  • Non-striking batsman to run on or outside the 2m running line.
  • Players may queue inside for the bar on match days but must observe the social distancing markings, and only 3 people to queue inside at any time.



  • Sit in groups of no more than 6 or no more than two households. 
  • Do not touch the ball.
  • Do not sit within 3m of boundary rope. 
  • Access to the clubhouse is only for toilets.
  • Anyone entering the clubhouse must sign in; this is to enable us to support any “track and trace” efforts if necessary. 
  • During rain please shelter in cars or in the Memorial Apse. 
  • Bring your own gazebo and chairs, if necessary. 
  • Sit aside either sight screen or across top boundary. Do not sit anywhere in front of the clubhouse between the access steps and the net cages. 
  • Drinks served from the window adjacent to the bar on match days. On other days – e.g. Friday evening training – you may queue in the clubhouse but please follow the social distancing markings on the floor. Only 3 people to queue in the clubhouse at any time.
  • Plastic glasses cost £1 – keep them and bring them again for your own use. Feel free to bring your own glasses or containers.


The coaching programme has grown apace recently which is great to see. Many thanks indeed to those coaches and others who have volunteered their time.

  • Net use protocol still applies – only one net in each cage in use at any one time with 2m social distancing applicable at all times.
  • Balls cleaned regularly.
  • Coaches and players to have their own hand sanitiser.
  • Latest guidance now allows groups of 30, with age related supervision ratios which can include parents or other adults.

We are confident that club members will respect this guidance, which is designed with everyone’s safety and well-being in mind. We will, of course, monitor the situation and adjust the guidance as appropriate. We have been given explicit instructions by the ECB that we should open the club only if it is safe to do so.  We believe it is but we will have no hesitation in closing the club down again if the above guidance is not followed. Indeed, there may yet be local or wider lockdowns in the future depending on how the virus develops.

You can see our Covid-19 Risk Assessment HERE

Guidance updated 30 July 2020

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