We will be offering a winter programme at Saffron Walden County High School, on Fridays from 5:30pm to 8:30pm throughout January, February and March. We are currently doing a risk assessment in view of the current Tier 2 COVID restrictions. There is flexibility for u18s to have sporting activity indoors provided we take certain precautions. Unfortunately, it means friends and family will not be allowed in to the gallery: children must be signed in at reception, while parents or guardians will need to wait in cars, return home, or put on nice warm coats and view proceedings from the walkway that leads up to the front door of the Sports hall.
The exact nature of the programme depends on the numbers wanting to take part so at this stage – we have a maximum group size of 15. The cost will be £5 per session. Please confirm your wish to take part by completing the short form HERE and emailing it to [email protected]. We will then let you know how many sessions we can allocate your child, and how much you will need to pay (with bank details).