Registration 2021

In order to manage registration in as safe a way as possible, we would like to do as much as possible by email or online. If you or your child are/is already a member or Vice President, we don’t need a new registration form. We just need your subscription and for you to tell us if any of your details have changed, especially contact details, medical conditions and so on.  Email us on [email protected] with that information or any questions, and pay by BACS as below.

If you are newly in contact with the club (for example, your child attended one of the Easter holiday courses and would like to enrol for the summer term), you can download a registration form HERE (Academy) or HERE (Senior)

Club Minimum Subscriptions 2021

Last year we asked for donations rather than subscriptions, in the light of the shortened season and other impacts of COVID-19. The AGM in February 2021 agreed that this year subscriptions would again be required.

If the season is shortened because of COVID-19 restrictions, the Club may reduce subscriptions on a pro-rata basis, rounded up to the nearest £5.

As ever, if these costs present challenges for families PLEASE contact the chairman in confidence.  SWCC, as a registered charitable organisation, does not want the cost of playing cricket to be prohibitive.

NB: Members wishing to play league cricket must join as a full playing member.


Senior subscriptions

Senior playing (men): £75

Senior playing (women): £60 

Family fee: £150 (inc. adult member and 2+ children)

Vice President: £50 (£75 per couple)

Volunteer (non-playing): free


Under 7 and below: £40 per child

Under 8, Under 9 and Under 10: £45 per child

Under 11 to Under 16: £60 per child

£25 for third and subsequent children


Please pay subscriptions by BACS transfer , sort code 20-74-05, account number 50784125. This will work only if you give a clear payment reference, i.e. the member’s name. This is especially important where parents and children have different surnames. If you are paying for more than one member, it would be helpful if you would make a payment for each child, with their name as the payment reference. If you are paying a single sum for family membership, or VP membership for a couple, please give one first name and the surname as your reference but send a short email to Peter Hill ( [email protected] ) explaining who is covered by your payment. We will then know not to chase you! 

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